Reveal SDMTM Information
Reveal SDMTM in Five/Four Recording ProjectscFive/Four Productions'® exclusive REVEAL SDMTM technology and recording technique is employed from the first note of the recording session through every step leading to the final delivered master. Our decades of experience making High Resolution Audio recordings has led us to develop REVEAL SDMTM - an ideal combination of specific recording, mixing and mastering techniques, select microphones, custom electronics, and recording formats
A Five/Four REVEAL SDMTM recording presents a superior rendition of musical nuance, dynamics, imaging, and front-to-back soundstage; i.e.: the very definition of Superior Dimension MusicTM. Your True Sound RevealedTM.
Reveal SDMTM in Post-Production Mixing & Mastering
Five/Four Productions'® exclusive REVEAL SDMTM technology can be employed in the post-production of recordings supplied to Five/Four Productions for mixing and mastering. Our decades of experience making High Resolution Audio recordings has led us to develop REVEAL SDMTM - an ideal combination of specific recording, mixing and mastering techniques, select microphones, custom electronics, and recording formats. The use of Five/Four's REVEAL SDMTM process in mixing or mastering will present an improved rendition of musical nuance, dynamics, imaging, and front-to-back soundstage; i.e.: the very definition of Superior Dimension MusicTM. Your True Sound RevealedTM.
Reveal SDMTM in Technical Credits
Recorded and Mastered using Five/Four·REVEAL SDMTM Technology.
Five/Four Productions®, Ltd.
22276 Parnell Road
Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122 U.S.A.
Voicemail: (216) 759-5454
On the web at